Windows 8.1/8 and 10 is now available on a lot of slower tablets, mini desktops, micro-computers, and laptops/netbooks with 1-2 GB of RAM, and a slower CPU which uses Intel Celeron, and Atom chips. These slower computers, laptops, and desktops usually run on “Windows 8.1 with Bing” which is Windows 8.1 32 Bit with Bing set to the default search engine in Internet Explorer, and Windows 8.1 search. Windows 8.1 with Bing usually come with cheaper $99-199 smaller 8-9 inch Windows 8.1 tablets, $99-299 desktops, and $199-399 11-12 inch laptops/netbooks.
If you upgraded to Windows 10, I recommend that you read my Complete Guide on Making Windows 10 Faster on Older, and Slower Computers which has a lot of beginners to more advance power user tips on making Windows 10 faster, and more reliable. There are a lot of tips which are exclusive to Windows 10 like disabling taskbar and Action center window’s transparency and visual effects, turning off anonymous user tracking features found in Windows 10, disabling Cortana voice assistant, Disabling New Services like Xbox, and removing pre-install Windows Store Apps to make Windows 10 run faster. Windows 10 is a decent operating system for older computers with 1GB of RAM, and a slower Dual-Core CPU which is common in a lot of older and cheaper tablets, laptops, netbooks, and desktops. Windows 10 also now has a startmenu, and startbutton, so it feels more like Windows 7. Windows 10 is a free upgrade in Windows Update for the first year it is released if you own a Windows 8.1 or 7 PC or laptop.
A lot of my tips on improving Windows 8.1 performance should work on Windows 10, and other versions of Windows like Windows 7, Vista, and XP because there are similar features like MSConfig, services.msc, and Task Manager in other versions of Windows. There is also a startmenu in Windows 10 which makes using it a lot easier.
It is very simple to make Windows run faster on slower computers, laptops, and tablets. Decreasing the RAM, and CPU usage would also help you save battery life, and use less power on your PC. Your computer will also be less likely to freeze, and crash if it is running faster.
After performing all these tweaks below, my computer usually use 500MB of RAM, under 10% CPU resources, and less disk reading and writing after staring up my computer, and logging into Windows 8.1.
My desktop computer also starts up faster, and runs faster, and more smoothly with fewer crashes and freeze.
Login to Windows 8.1 with an Administrator Account if you are using a non-Administrator account
You would need to be login as an administrator to do a lot of these Tweaks, and settings changes to make Windows faster. A lot of these tweaks also work on Windows XP, Vista, and 7, and they will improve the performance of faster computers, tablets, and laptops as well as slower computers. Some of these tips may work on the future version of Windows which will is called Windows 10.
Use USB Flash drive or SD card as a Readyboost drive for faster file read speeds
Windows 8.1 supports Readyboost which let you use a USB flash drive, or SD Card as extra memory. All you need to do is insert a faster USB 2.0-3.0 flash drive, or SD card into your computer, and Windows will show a pop-up Windows which shows you an option at the bottom of the Window to ask you if you want to use ReadyBoost to speed up your computer. You can also right-click on your SD card, or USB flash drive, and click on Properties. You can also click on the Ready Boost tab to turn it on and off, and customize the settings like the amount of storage space for Ready Boost in its Readyboost properties page.
Switch to a Faster Lightweight Antivirus
The first thing you can do is switch to a faster running anti-virus program like 360 Total Security which runs pretty quickly even on slower computers. It also has a speed up section which scans your computer for un-needed autostart programs which can slow down your computer. There is a disk cleanup program in 360 Total Security for removing junk on your drives. You can also switch the protection mode in Total Security to Performance for faster speeds. There are also Cloud Based Antivirus like Immunet Cloud Antiviris which uses the internet to protect your computer, but you always need to be connected to the internet to be protected. Cloud based antivirus usually use less RAM, and CPU resources than traditional antivirus programs with offline protection because most of the virus protection is online-based. I recommend scanning for virus, spyware, and malware with your antivirus, antispyware, and antimalware program to keep your PC from not slowing down because of virus, spyware, and malware programs infecting your PC. Also, make sure you are using the latest version of your antivirus, antispyware, antimalware, and firewalls definitions, and programs, so you are protected from the newest viruses in real-time. The Windows Firewall should be good enough, and it runs pretty quickly, so you can use it as your main firewall software in Windows.
Once you install a third-party antivirus, you can disable Windows Defender, so it is not running in the background. You can open Windows Defender by searching it in the Start Screen’s All Apps menu by clicking the arrow button at the bottom left, or swiping your finger up in the Start Screen. Once Defender has launched, go to settings tab, and click on Administrator, and uncheck the “Turn on Defender” check box. You next need to launch services.msc by clicking the Windows Key +R on your keyboard, ans typing in services.msc in the text box, and clicking ok. Look for “Windows Defender Service” and right-click it to click on Properties to set it to disable. You also need to disable “Defender Network Inspection service” in services.msc to disable Windows Defender.
Use a Startup manager program to disable unwanted startup programs from using up your RAM annd CPU resources
You can also disable services and startup programs with programs like Startup Booster by Anvisoft which helps you pick the startup programs and services which are safe to disable without disconnecting you from the internet, or making your computer unstable.
You can also use your mouse to right-click on the taskbar at the bottom of Windows, and pick Task Manager, and click on the startup tab to disable startup programs by right clicking them, and clicking disable on your mouse. Don’t disable startup programs which are used for your antivirus, firewall, and other software because it could make your computer insecure. You may need to click on the More Details button on the bottom left of Task Manager Window to show all the tabs in Task Manager.
You can also disable Services by going to the Services tab in Task Manager, and clicking on the Open Services link at the bottom left of the Task Manager Screen. A lot of the services are safe to disable, or set to manual. I recommend setting the services to manual to be on the safe side, so if you need them to run, they will run manually when a program is launched which needs the service. You can also use Windows’ Msconfig program by holding the Windows Key + R button on your keyboard, and typing in msconfig to launch it to disable services, disable UAC pop-up messages, and change startup settings in Windows. But, msconfig is not as easy to use as services.msc in my experience.
Disable less important Services in Services.MSC
I just use Windows for browsing the web on a web browser, gaming, office work, listening to music and watching video, so I disable a lot of non-essential services instead of keeping them set to automatic except for services I need to have running for the internet to work, to keep Windows running safely, and keep Windows running reliably.
Services which are usually safe to disable in Windows 8.1 and 10 with services.msc
Some of these services may not be present in your version of Windows, or may not be able to be disabled because of Changes Microsoft made to Windows. You should also be careful on not disabling services which you may need to use like Bluetooth if you use a Bluetooth mouse, keyboard, mic, and speakers on your computer.
ActiveX Installer (AxInstSV)
Application Experience
Application Management
BitLocker Drive Encryption Service
Bluetooth Support Service
Certificate Propagation
Computer Browser
DNS Client
Device Association Service
Diagnostic Policy Service
Distributed Link Tracking Client
Function Discovery Provider Host
Function Discovery Resource Publication
HomeGroup Provider
IP Helper
Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)
Media Center Extender Service
Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service
Network Access Protection Agent
Network Connected Devices Auto-Setup
Offline Files
Peer Name Resolution Protocol
Peer Networking Grouping
Peer Networking Identity Manager
Portable Device Enumerator Service
Program Compatibility Assistant Service
Remote Registry
Routing and Remote Access
SSDP Discovery
Shell Hardware Detection
Smart Card
Smart Card Removal Policy
WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service
Windows Font Cache Service
Windows Media Center Receiver Service
Windows Media Center Scheduler Service
Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service
In Windows 10, there are some new services which got added to Windows 10, but are safe to disable in my experience, if you don’t need to use Bluetooth, wap messagging, maps, and Geolocation . I also use 360 Total Security Antivirus, so I don’t need to have Windows Defender running.
I disable these services in Windows 10:
Bluetooth Handsfree Service
Downloaded Maps Manager
Geolocation Service
Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service (don’t disable this service if you use a tablet or touchscreen)
Windows Defender Network Inspection Service
Windows Defender Service
You can also sometimes disable third-party services from software like Java, Adobe Flash Player, Google Update, Firefox maintenance service, system utilities services, Steam, and Office suites. It is usaually safe to disable System Hardware driver services from Nvidia video card drivers, and Realtek Sound driver in my experience. After I disable the driver services in services.msc, my Nvidia video card, and Realtek Sound chip on my motherboard still works. If you need them to run, you can open up services.msc to set them to automatic, and start them by right clicking on the settings. Setting a service to manual could be a better idea since it will manually start when you launch a program which need the services, and you can still manually start it in services.msc by right-clicking it in services.msc, and clicking start from the right click context menu.
Windows Services I always set to Automatic!
Background Tasks Infrastructure Service
Base Filtering Engine
DCOM Server Process Launcher
DHCP Client
Local Session Manager
Network Store Interface Service
Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
RPC Endpoint Mapper
Security Accounts Manager
System Event Notification Service
Task Scheduler
User Profile Service
Windows Audio
Windows Audio Endpoint Builder
Windows Event Log
Windows Firewall (You could disable the Windows Firewall if you use another software firewall)
Windows Management Instrumentation
COM+ Event System
Cryptographic Services
Security Center (I read online that some people disable Security Center because they don’t find it useful)
Software Protection
Windows Update
Group Policy Client
System Events Broker
Windows Time
Antivirus Services
Antimalware services (I sometimes disable Antimalware Services if I am gaming to free up RAM and CPU resources)
Antispyware services (I sometimes disable Antispyware Services if I am gaming to free up RAM and CPU resources)
System Utilities services which need the services to be running to work, but sometimes some system utility programs don’t need the services to be running to work.
Disabling Superfetch
Superfetch – Disabling Superfetch could save RAM on older versions of Windows like Vista, but it will disable Readyboost, and also make your computer and programs start up a little slower. But, I feel more free RAM, and CPU resources is better than faster startup times for computers with less RAM, and a slower CPU. If your PC is always running out of RAM, or running slowly, disabling Superfetch could help with freeing up your RAM. If you have an SSD drive like solid state memory on a tablet, and laptops, you should disable Superfetch to prevent your SSD from getting worn out from the constant writing to the drive from Superfetch. Disabling Superfetch would also make your hard drive read and write less, so if you want a quieter computer, and less reading and writing on your hard drive. Disabling Superfetch would make your hard drive read and write less often. If you use a lot of big programs like virtual machine software like VMWare, Virtualbox, video editing software, Photo editors, and play a lot of newer games which require more RAM, disabling Superfetch will help with freeing up some RAM for playing games and using big programs. When I disable Superfetch on my Windows 8.1 computer, I don’t really notice any slow down, and my computer seems to launch files and programs just as fast when Superfetch is installed. I think if you have 2-8+GB of RAM, your computer will run pretty smoothly even if Superfetch is turned on, or off.
Be careful not to disable services for touchscreen, webcam, onscreen keyboard on Mobile Windows Devices
If you use a tablet, or touchscreen laptop, I recommend not disabling services related to your touch screen, touch, touchpad, touch keyboard, or webcam.
Don’t turn off services for Printer and Scanner if you own Printer, Scanner, or Printer and Scanner Combo Device
If you use a printer on your Windows PC, don’t turn off Print Spooler or USB input services which is needed for printing with a printer. Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) is needed for some scanners/photocopiers, and webcams to work in Windows.
Quickly Stop Services from Task Manager
You can also manually stop services by opening the Task Manager, and going to services tab, and right-clicking on the service which you want to stop, and clicking the stop option on the right-click menu.
Doing a System Restore to undo Service changes you made to Services.msc
If you accidentally disable a service you need, but you are not sure which service to re-enable, doing a system restore to an earlier date will undo your changes to your services settings. I recommend making a system restore before making changes to your computer’s Windows operating systems.
Setting some services to Manual or Disabled if you are unsure.
I set all the other services on my Windows desktop computer to either Manual or Disabled. If you do not know what the service does, it is best to leave it alone, search online to see if it is safe to disable, or set it to manual or keep it as the default setting. Using a program like Anvisoft Startup Booster makes disabling startup programs, and service easier, and turning back on services, and startup programs which you accidentally disabled or set to manual a lot easier. Wise Care 365 also has a tool in its startup manager program which makes it easy for you to turn-off unneeded background services, and startup programs.
Using Regedit Registry Editor to disable the Prefetch and Superfetch service in Windows, so Windows has more free RAM, and CPU cycles
Disabling Prefetch and Superfetch to make Windows not prefetch files before you need them may free up some RAM while using a PC. If you run a lot of programs, and games which need a lot of free RAM and CPU resources, disabling prefetch with regedit may make Windows use less RAM, and less hard drive space to store the prefetch files.
You need to first open regedit Registry Editor by pressing the Windows Key + R Key on your keyboard, type in regedit in the texbox, and press the OK button.
In regedit go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters , and double click on EnablePrefetcher on the right of the window when you reached the registry key I posted. Set the hexadecimal number value to 0 to disable prefetcher.
You can also click on EnableSuperfetcher, and set it to 0 to turnoff superfetch as well. Lastly, restart your PC.
If your computer has a SSD Solid State Drive or uses Flash Memory storage, I recommend disabling prefetch, so your drive would not write prefetch files to your drive which can wear out your SSD if your computer prefetch a lot of files to your drive. Disabling prefetch can save a few MBs of space as well by not saving prefetch files to the drive.
Turn off Scheduled Tasks in Windows Task Scheduler to have fewer tasks run at specific times, so computer runs more smooth.
Disabling Scheduled Task in Windows 8.1 and 10 can stop scheduled tasks from running. You can access Task Scheduler by launching it by searching for “Task Scheduler” in the Control Panel. Once you launch Task Scheduler, you can disable individual task by right clicking them, and click Disable. There are programs like CCleaner, and Autoruns which make disabling Scheduled Tasks, and startup programs very easy to do. CCleaner, and Autoruns can also disable buttons and options/features in your mouse’s right click context menu found in Windows Explorer, Recycle bin, folders and your Desktop when you right click your mouse on them.
Disabling un-needed Apps, and hardware in Windows 10 Privacy Settings
In the Settings program in Windows 10 found in the Startmenu, there is a section in Settings called Privacy where you can turn off Privacy settings telated to General, Location, Camera, Microphone, Speech, Inkling, Typing, Account Info, Contacts, Calendar, Messaging, Radios like Bluetooth, Other Devices, Feedback and Diagnostic, and Background Apps. The privacy program changer is pretty easy to use. I just turn everything off because I don’t use most of the apps accessing my private information.
Use Windows Operating System Maintenance, and Repair Software to keep Windows well Maintained, and Fast
Using a System Utility program like Advance System Care or Wise Care 365 can make maintaining Windows a lot easier because it makes running disk defrags, disk scans, disk clean ups, registry repairs, registry defrags, and Windows and Windows Network system tweaks for faster Windows performance, and doing other maintenance tasks simpler to do by just clicking a few buttons. Advance System Care also has a Turbo Mode which changes your power plan to a higher performance power plan, stops un-needed background processes, and optimizes your RAM for faster performance.
I recommend occasionally using the Windows Disk Cleanup program, and running it as an Administrator by right clicking run as administrator to clean up items which Disk Cleanup can clean up only when run as administrator to clean up even more junk files.
Third-party Disk Cleanup programs like Wise Care 365, CCleaner, and Bleachbit can clean up more junk files from third-party programs from web browsers which Windows Disk Cleanup does not clean up.
Memory optimization/defrag programs like Anvisoft RAM Booster would help you get back free RAM when you use it in Windows.
I recommend having at least 20% of free space to properly defrag your hard drive with a disk defrag program like Windows Disk Defrag, or Iobit’s SmartDefrag. For solid state drives/SSD drives, you can use the Windows disk optimize/defrag program to optimize your drive which keeps your SSD in good condition. Occassionally running a scandisk in Windows Explorer, or with a system utility program like Advance System Care is a good for finding and correcting disk errors, and warning you that your hard drive have bad disk sectors, and needs to be replaced.
Use Tweaking programs to make Windows run better, and more reliably
Ultimate Windows Tweaker 3.1 has a lot of tweaks to make Windows 8.1 even faster by letting you tweak Windows 8.1’s performance settings. I recommend making a System Restore before using any System Tweaker program, so you can easily undo changes made by Tweaker.
There is also Ultimate Windows Tweaker 4 which is designed to Tweak Windows 10 settings for better usability, Stability and improve performance like Tweaker 3.1 for Windows 8, but designed for Windows 10. You can download Tweaker 4 at http://www.thewindowsclub.com/ultimate-windows-tweaker-4-windows-10
Change Windows Power Plan to the High Performance Power Plan, and Adjust Power Plan settings in Control Panel
Changing your Power Plan settings to High Performance in your Control Panel’s power plan Program would also make your CPU run faster, and could also improve the speed of your Wi-Fi adapter, video card, and Processor speed.
Turn off Fast Startup and Hibernate in Power Plan
In the Power Plan section, in Windows 8/8.1 and 10, you can also turn off Fast Start Up which may fix problems you are having related to your poor performance and stability of Windows. You need to first open Windows Power Plan manager in the Control Panel of Windows. After opening Power Plan, click on the link on the left sidebar which says “Choose What the Power button does” . Next, you enter the power button page, and you need to Click on the link which says “Change settings that are currently unavailable” , and has a checkered yellow and blue shield on the left of the link. Lastly, in the shutdown settings, uncheck the first checkbox which is labeled “Turn on Fast startup (recommended)”. When you are done click the save changes button on the bottom of the Window. You can also turn off Hibernate if you have it enabled by unchecking the Hibernate checkbox. Sometimes Hibernate can cause problems related to high RAM and CPU usages since it does not refreshes the RAM like restart and a full shutdown, and old unused programs may still be running in the background if you did not restart, or shutdown Windows for a long time.
Close un-needed programs which are opened in Windows Taskbar, and System Tray to free up RAM, and CPU resources
Closing programs like office suites, web browsers, and media players, and system tray programs running in the system tray on the bottom right of Windows which you are not using anymore would also help free up RAM, and CPU cycles. To close the newer Windows 8.1 App, you need to drag the top edge of the program to the bottom, and wait a few seconds for the image to change, or you can click ALT-F4 on your keyboard to close the program. You can also use the Task Manager to End the Task of the App to stop them from running in your memory/RAM and using CPU resources. I recommend occasionally using Windows Task Manager to check if there are there any closed apps which are still open in the background, but closed in the Taskbar, and System tray area. Sometimes programs which are closed may still be open, but not visible on the desktop because of a software bug, or it froze, and can’t automatically close after you hit the close button on the keyboard, so you need to use Windows Task Manager to End the Task in Task Manager.
Disabling Windows Animations and Visual Effects for faster desktop video performance
If your computer has a slower video card, or uses onboard video built-into your computer, disabling animations for Windows can speed up your computer. First you need to right-click the Start button on the bottom left, and a context menu will show up. Click on the System button on the menu. In the System program, click on Advance System Settings link on the left sidebar on System. In the performance section of Systems, click on the settings button. In the visuals tab, click on the circle button next to “Adjust for best performance” to disable all the animations, and visual effects from showing.
Setting the Background image to a solid color by right clicking your desktop, and clicking on personalize on the right-click menu. Disabling background sounds, and the screen saver in Personalize may also increase the speed of your device.
Overclock Dedicated video card for faster gaming performance
If you use a dedicated video card like a PCI-Express or AGP video card on a desktop computer, you can use MSI Afterburners video card overclocking tools or ASUS GPU Tweaks to overclock your computer’s video card’s GPU and video card memory for faster video performance.
Use a separate sound card on Desktop PC
Installing a PCI or USB based soundcard instead of using the soundcard which is built-into your motherboard may give you a small performance boost because the soundcard has its own processor and RAM for processing sound. Sound will also sound better. Most soundcards support 2,5, or 7 speakers and 1 Subwoofer, so you can connect better speakers instead of just stereo sound which is typical for a lot of cheaper desktop and laptop computers. A soundcard is one of the cheapest upgrades you can buy because you can buy one for $30 or less on websites like Amazon or eBay.
Adjust video settings in Games for faster gaming performance
Lowering the screen pixel resolution of games, video detail quality of games, and changing the color depth to 16 bit would make PC games run faster with faster frame rates.
Upgrade your RAM, Video Card, Storage on a desktop PC for faster Performance
If you use a desktop computer, or laptop with upgradeable RAM, upgrading to 2GB or more RAM, and a faster video card like the Nvidia GTX 660 on a desktop computer with a PCI-Express video card slot should make Windows 8.1 a lot faster. Make sure your desktop computer has a 500w or higher wattage power supply, so it can handle a more powerful videocard like the Nvidia GTX 660. Reinstalling Windows 8.1 to an SSD Solid State Drive drive on a desktop, and laptop which let you replace the drive will make your computer faster.
Use a Game Booster program to stop background tasks, and optimize Windows for faster Gaming Performance
Iobit’s Game Booster is a good program for optimizing your Memory, performing system tweaks, and making games have more free RAM and CPU resources, so they load, and run faster in its Game desktop.
Use lightweight software which runs faster on older and slower computers
I also recommend using faster running programs like Maxthon Nitro, Light Firefox, Kingsoft Office, Abiword, Splayer Media Player, and Media Player Classic which runs faster even on slower and older Windows computers with slower single to dual core CPUs, and 1GB or less RAM. Sometimes the plug-ins like Adobe Flash Player, toolbars like Ask Toolbar, and add-ons like Ad-Blockers for programs like Google Chrome, and Firefox can slow down your browser, and your computer when they are in use, so disabling or uninstalling them could make your computer use less RAM, and CPU resources. It is important to use the latest version of software you have installed on your computer because the newest version of software usually fixes problems like crashes, slowdown problems, etc found in older versions of a software. You can download the latest version from the software makers website, or you can use programs like Update Detector by FilePuma to scan your computer for non-updated software. Windows Update, and some programs automatically notify you if your software is out of date when you start up the software to use it.
Keep Windows Updated with Windows Update to fix performance problems
Keeping Windows 8.1 updated can also fix performance problems, and stability problems. By default Windows Update is set to automatically install updates, so you do not really need to scan manually for updates, and install updates manually.
Update Hardware Drivers
You should also regularly update your drivers for hardware like a videocard, and soundcard which is installed on your PC, tablet, or laptop. I like using Driver Booster by Iobit which automatically informs me if I need to update a driver on my computer, and it helps me install drivers automatically.
If your laptop, or desktop is cooled by a fan, you should clean up the dust from the fans, and fan heatsink at least once a year to keep your computer from overheating, and running slowly.
Scan for and Remove virus, malware, and spyware with Windows Security Software
Sometimes viruses, malware, bloatware, broken programs, and files, bad settings, and junk programs which can’t be removed or fixed easily could make Windows slow.
Reinstall Windows to fix problems your computer problems
Doing a clean install of Windows on your computer would make it faster because your computer will be using a cleanly installed version of Windows, and you also be deleting all the viruses, malware, and junk off your computer. Be sure to backup your important files to a USB hard drive, DVD-R, or another computer before you do a clean install of Windows because a clean install of Windows would delete all your files, folders, and programs.
Installing Windows onto your computer is pretty simple for me to do. I just need to leave the Windows Install disc inside my computer’s DVD-ROM disc drive, and restart my computer. My computer would automatically boot from the Windows install disc, and I just need to follow the on-screen directions to install Windoes, and wait for Windows to finish installing. After Windows is installed, I remove the Windows install disc from your disc drive to stop my PC from booting to a disc. In Windows 8, you should first run Windows Update, and install all the updates before using your computer because updates fix performance, security, and stability problems. After you installed all the updates, you could install third-party antivirus software if you feel Windows Defender is not good enough to keep your PC safe .
It is best to use an official full retail box version of Windows, or the OEM version of Windows which you buy from an electronic store, computer store, or from an online store like Newegg, Amazon, TigerDirect, and NCIX if your computer has a lot of bloatware which is hard to remove or messing up Windows. The official version of Windows does not come with bloatware like some Windows PC made by computer makers who load a lot of unwanted software onto Windows before it is sold to buyers.
If you upgraded from Windows 10 from Windows Update because you own a Windows 8.1 or 7 PC, you can choose to reset/refresh Windows which uninstalling all your old third-party Windows software, and reinistalling Windows with the System Recovery settings wizard found in Windows 10 Settings. Reseting your PC in 10 should get rid of most of the bloatware/unwanted software programs which came with your computer, and most viruses. It is best to backup your important files like documents, photos, and music files before reseting your Windows 10 PC.
If you bought a computer from a big electronic store, and your Windows computer is made by a big company. The operating system install disc or install partition on the hard drive may have a lot of unwanted/un-needed software also called Bloatware which slows down a PC because the Bloatware runs in the background using up a lot of CPU and RAM resources, and also uses a lot of storage space. Bloatware is a bigger problem for cheap computers because cheap computers have 1-2GB of RAM, a slower dual-quad core CPU, and less storage space, so the bloatware will make your cheap PC have less available free RAM, and CPU resources while also using up your storage space which is usually 16GB or less for cheap tablets, and netbooks with SSD Flash memory, and 500GB for desktops and laptops with mechanical hard drive. Even if you reinstall Windows from your computer’s recovery discs, or Partition image which came with your store bought PC, the bloatware will be reinstalled on your computer after the installation because the software is pre-loaded into the custom Windows install disc. But, using the retail box version of Windows, or the OEM version of Windows would not contain any bloatware from non-Microsoft software makers. You’ll only get Microsoft software like Internet Explorer, Notepad, Windows Explorer, Windows Media Player, but you won’t get third-party bloatware when you install Windows with the Retail box version of Windows, or OEM version of Windows which you can buy at a computer store. I find the retail box version of Windows a lot more faster, and more reliable to use than using Windows on a computer made by a big brand which loads a lot of un-needed software onto Windows. Using the official version of Windows from a Microsoft Retail box or OEM Windows installer disc is the best way to avoid third party bloatware which gets pre-bundled onto laptops, desktops, and tablets when you buy a PC from a non-Microsoft PC Maker. The Microsoft Surface Pro 1, 2, or 3 does not have Bloatware because the Surface Pro series of tablets are made by Microsoft, so you only get Microsoft software which comes with Windows.
It does not take a lot of time to make changes to Windows settings for better performance, and after you are done making performance tweaks and setting changes yourself, and with programs like Advance System Care, and Anvi Startup Booster you would have faster performance, and better reliability on your computer, laptop, and tablet with Windows 8.1, 8.1 with Bing, and other versions of Windows like XP, Vista, and 7.
Does readyboost work with windows 8.1 tablet with 1 gb ram? I tried it on laptop with 8.1/7 working fine but will not wotk on my tablet. Not getting the “readyboost” tab in usb drive properties therefore cannot boost the ram. Can it be done? Have tried with usb drive and sd card. Can you help?
Thank you, Mike
I think Readyboost is disabled on Solid State Drive/SSD, and Flash memory drives to prevent the SSD and Flash memory from wearing out because SSD and flash memory only have a limited number of write cycles.
Also, flash memory, and SSD read and write very fast, so Readyboost is not needed.
Readyboost is mainly used to speed up the read speed of hard drives since it caches frequently used files to faster USB flash drives, and Memory cards with faster read speeds.
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This is a very useful and helpful information to make windows 8/8.1, windows 10 faster on the computer with 1 GB of RAM, slower CPU.
As we all have windows laptops mostly so it’s essential for all who uses windows laptops.
This is very useful and important information to make Windows 8/8.1, Windows 10 Faster on a computer with 1 GB of RAM, slower CPU.
because the mostly person uses windows laptop nowadays so, it’s very important information for all.
Nice content written in your blog,thanks for sharing it.
If your windows 10 PC is behaving slow, use disk cleanup to delete unnecessary files. Just search disk cleanup in windows 10 taskbar search box. Also go to settings – privacy – background apps and disable background apps.
These are some good tips. I also recommend running a disk defrag with the built-in disk defrag program in Windows 10, or a 3rd-party disk defrag program like Auslogic Disk Defrag to re-organize your hard drive files to open faster, or run TRIM which optimizes Solid State Drives drives for better performance.
I agree disabling background apps in privacy settings can make Windows 10 faster.
Great thanks for sharing this life-saving information, I am struggling with these issues.
I got what you mean , thanks for posting .Woh I am happy to find this website through google.
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