I use Classic Keyboard on my Google Android tablet because it runs fast, is easy to use, and is only 1.8 MB in size, so it uses very little space on Google Android storage drive on smartphones and tablets.
The keyboard starts up fast after I unlock Android, and tap on a text box after my device has finish turning on. The keyboard also shows up pretty fast, and hides fast when I press the hide button, or when It automatically hides when I am done entering in a website address on a browser, and pressing the return/enter button on the keyboard. Classic Keyboard app also does not seem to crash, slow down Google Android, or have long waiting times like some other keyboard apps I tried, so using this keyboard may make your device faster, and use less RAM and CPU resources because this keyboard does not use much RAM, and CPU resources in my experience.
I also like the White keys with black letters, and a gray border which looks very nice like the iPhone’s onscreen keyboard. The keys are easy to read even when the brightness of my screen is set to its lowest. Typing on the keyboard is easy because the keys are not tightly packed together.
Classic Keyboard has prediction/dictionary which you can turn off if you don’t like prediction. You can also turn on and off sound and vibration on Classic Keyboard.
One of my favorite thing about Classic Keyboard is it only requires 1.8MB of space to download, so it downloads and install fast. It also only uses a few MBs of space on Google Android. It is one of the smallest file sized keyboards.
Classic Keyboard is a fast, reliable, simple to use, and small file size Keyboard app for Google Android.
You can download Classic Keyboard at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gl.iphone5.keyboard.ios7.theme