NavBar Ring Disabler is a simple app which disables Apps like Google Search, and any other apps from opening when you swipe your finger up from the on-screen home button on your launcher. You do not need to root your smartphone or tablet, so it should work on most Google Android 4.1 and up devices with onscreen system bar buttons at the bottom.
It is easy to use. I just need to install the app, and launch it. When it is launch, I press the “Disable Nav Bar Ring” to disable Google from loading when I swipe up. It can’t disable the ring from showing up, but it stops Google and other apps from loading to nothing when you swipe up from your home button on your screen.
You can also swipe up, and press the Do Nothing/Disable Nav Bar, and press the always button on the bottom left of the pop-up window.
Disabling the Swipe up action makes me less likely to launch Google, and other apps when I accidentally swipe up from the home button when I scroll down a website, play a game like Temple Run or Fruit Ninja where there is a lot of swiping up actions.
NavBar Ring Disabler is only 35KB in size, so it uses a very small amount of storage space on your device.
You can download NavBar Ring Disabler at