Flash Peak Slim Boat Web browser is a great web browser for older Windows computers which does not have much RAM, or a fast CPU. A lot of modern web browsers like Internet Explorer 10, Chrome, and Firefox use a lot of RAM even when only 1-3 Windows and tabs are open in the web browser, but Slim Boat uses less RAM, and CPU resources.
Slim Boat also has a lot of features like bookmarks, pop-up blockers, autofills, speed dial book marks, and basic navigational buttons like back, forward, stop, refresh, and the address bar.
Flash Peak Slim boat browser also uses the WebKit browser engine like Google Chrome, Apple Safari, and Opera web browser, so Slim boat can display most websites properly like Google Chrome and Apple Safari.
The user interface in Slim Boat is similar to Internet Explorer, so if you used IE, or Firefox, learning how to use Slim Boat is pretty easy since it looks like most other web browsers. It supports flash, javascript, and other plug-ins need for watching video, listening to music, and flash games to be played on a website.
In my experience, Web browsing is pretty fast in Slim Boat installed in Windows 8 Pro on a PC with only 1GB of RAM, and a 1.86 GHz CPU, and I can have multiple tabs open without slowdown. Slim Boat also does not seem to have any compatibility problems running in Windows 8, and run faster than Firefox, Chrome, and other web browsers I tried on my older computer.Scrolling up and down websites is also pretty fast, and smooth in Slim Boat web browser. Opening and closing new tabs is also easy in Slim boat by pressing the new tabs button, and close button.
There are also sharing tools in Slim Boat to make it easy to share a website via Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and other social networks, or by e-mail with Yahoo mail, hotmail, and Gmail.
Slimboat is one of the best web browsers for slower Windows computer with not a lot of RAM, or a slower CPU, and you multi-task on your computer a lot by also opening big programs like word processors, spreadsheets, and power point presentations in the background.
Download Flash Peak Slim Boat Browser at www.slimboat.com
Slim Boat is also available for Linux and Mac operating systems, so you can keep using Slim boat on all your computers.
Slimboat is discontinued, and you should no longer be using the web browser. Slimboat has been replaced with Slimjet which is like Slimboat, but it uses the Blink Web Browser Engine like Chromium and Google Chrome. Slimjet has all the features of Slimboat, but Slimjet works better on most computers in my experience. Download Slimjet at slimjet.com .
Why the hell did you remove all the avable E-mail sites from the new version of Slimbrowser?????
I use hot mail and you no longer list this in the bottom of the slimbrowser window???? WHY ????
R. Guthrie
Hi Robert, you can contact someone at Slim Browser at http://www.slimbrowser.net/en/contactus.htm or post in their forum at http://www.slimbrowser.net/en/forum/ to find an answer to your Hormail e-mail links problem with Slimbrowser