Vanilla Music Player is a free simple to use music player for Google Android. It is also fast, and its app size is very small, so it won’t take up much space on your storage drive. It can play MP3, OGG, FLAC, PCM, and other music files. It has Tag based and folder based navigation. Vanilla music player has Gapless playback for OGG and FLAC in Android 4.1 and up, and Replay Gain support.
It also has most of the common features found on other music player apps like seek bar, music file search, shuffle, play, pause, next track, previous track, repeat song, remote app for controlling music playback like next track, previous track, pause, etc in notifications bar, album art, playing and sorting songs by Artists, Albums, Songs, Playlists, Genres, and files/folders.
It has different song sorting options like sorting songs by artist, year, name, album, play count, date added, ascending, and descending.
The sound quality in Vanilla music is clear, and good. I can also continue listening to the music when the screen is off like most other music players for Android. Vanilla Music also never crash, freeze, or restarts randomly when I use it in Android. Switching to different pages like songs, artists, files, albums, playlists and genre in Vanilla music player is also very smooth.
Vanilla Music Player does not have ads which mess up the look of music players. It also does not slow down my Google Android device when I use it to play music in the background while I do other tasks like browse the web with a web browser app. It does not use much battery power according to the Battery section of Google Android settings.
Vanilla Music has a lot of useful settings for audio like replay gain, headset/Bluetooth controls, headset beep, external output only, pause when headphones unplugged, continuous shuffle. On the Playback screen, you can set up different touch gestures like swipe up, down, long tap, etc for doing different player related tasks in Vanilla Music Player. You can change the settings for the library, notifications, accelerator Shake, and other settings in Vanilla Settings.
Vanilla Music Player is a very small 745 K in size which is smaller than most music files. It works with Google Android 4.03 and up.
Download it at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ch.blinkenlights.android.vanilla